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Enlaces de viajes más cercanos

Aeropuerto Pisa
Ferri Livorno 40 km
Estación de tren Pontedera 8 km
Coche Se necesita coche

Actividades cercanas Buti

Deportes Tenis en la ciudad, Paseo a caballo
Ideal para Paseos o senderismo, Vacaciones rurales , Escapada a la ciudad, Montar en bici


The airport of Pisa is 30 kms far away

Access road:

Please note that the road from Buti to the house (in total 1,5 km) has 500 meters of steep road with 3 hairpin turns and 900 meters of gravel road. So we don't suggest to come with sport cars or caravans. Except Ferrari and other similar sports cars, no problem to ride up with other cars. The road is one lane for 700 meters and narrower for the last 200 meters. If you cross another car, one of those must return to the first available space. The road is used by the owners / guests of 5 houses, so it is a road with little traffic. The driver must have a minimum of familiarity with the car maneuvers.