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Enlaces de viajes más cercanos

Aeropuerto Farranfore (Kerry Airport)
Ferri Cork 100 km
Estación de tren Killarney 33 km
Coche Se recomienda coche

Actividades cercanas Templenoe

Deportes Deportes de agua, Paseo a caballo, Pesca
Ideal para Paseos o senderismo, Vacaciones rurales , Descanso en la playa/lago, Montar en bici


Approximate distances from airports:Farranfore (Kerry Airport): one hour, Cork Airport: 1½ hours, Shannon: 3 hours and Dublin: 5 hours. See advertiser's website for Links to Airline and Ferry Companies.Templenoe Heights is just off the N70 (main route around the Ring of Kerry) on a hill above the village of Templenoe, behind the Ring of Kerry Golf and Country Club. We will send you directions to the house from Templenoe when booking is confirmed.