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Enlaces de viajes más cercanos

Aeropuerto Fiumicino
Estación de tren TERMINI 5 km
Coche No hace falta coche

Actividades cercanas Ciudad del Vaticano

Deportes Tenis en la ciudad, Deportes de agua, Paseo a caballo
Ideal para Paseos o senderismo, Escapada a la ciudad, Montar en bici


Public transports from FIUMICINO "LEONARDO DA VINCI

"TaxiYou are recommended to take only authorized taxi (white cars with taxi-meter) you find outside arrival terminal area.

Train Leonardo ExpressFrom Fiumicino Airport Rome - Termini Rail Station : train, LEONARDO EXSPRESS, every 30 minutes (first departure 6:36 a.m.) It takes 31 minutes. Departs from platform 25. Only first class service and you can buy ticket at the Trenitalia desk near the train for 16 euro.

From Termini rail Station to Via Bafile, 2 you have 2 options: Take metro A direction Battistini, get off at OTTAVIANO and walk 800 meters (half mile) or get off at FLAMINIOTake From Piazzale Flaminio, either bus #89 (CLODIO) or#495 ( direction Valle Aurelia ), get off at the bus stop MAZZINI/BAFILE, one stop before Piazzale Clodio. You are 1 minutes from via BAFILE #2.BIT Ticket, will costs you Euro 1.50 each.

From Termini Train Station you can also get bus 70 on the Via Giolitti side of station and get off at last stop: Clodio, there you are 2 minutes from my door.

From Termini Train Station you can also take a taxi. It Last 20 minutes by taxi

Stations, airports, public transports, touristic sites, ecc.: beware pick-pocket. By taxi from Fiumicino Airport you should reach the apartment (luggage collecting included - 1 hour, more or less) in 90 minutes, by shuttle and bus in 120 minutes.

From Ciampino you can get Shuttle bus to Termini Rail Station and then follow instructions above.

Pick up service: We can arrange a pick up service from Fiumicino Airport (Leonardo da Vinci) to the apartment by a “Car Rental & Taxi Company”. The driver of the Company will be at the gate of your flight with a signboard with your name on. The transfer will cost Euro 55,00 (up to 4 people, daytime).You can pay the transfer directly to the driver