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Enlaces de viajes más cercanos

Aeropuerto Newquay Airport
Estación de tren Bodmin 30 km
Coche Se recomienda coche

Actividades cercanas Crackington Haven

Deportes Tenis en la ciudad, Pesca
Ideal para Paseos o senderismo, Vacaciones rurales , Descanso en la playa/lago


From the North, get yourself on the M5. From the South, you can do M4/M5 or A303 (Stonehenge) / M5.Anyway, when you get to the end of the M5 take the A30 towards Oakhampton. Just keep going until just after Launceston and then take the A395 to North Cornwall. After 15 miles or so you will come to Willesley Down pub. Its a bit of a weird junction but take the 2nd road on the right marked to Otterham Station. Go to the end of this road - about 2 miles - and it will bring you onto the A39 Atlantic Highway. Turn right and then first left (about 400 yds) marked to Crackington Haven. After about 3 miles (go through Marshgate) you will come to a junction. Go left and the immediate right (almost straight on). After about 3 miles, you will be in Crackington Haven (go through Upper Crackington). Just before you get to the car park at the bottom by the beach, there are two roads off to the left - Ludon is the first road. It is marked as a ‘public footpath’, ‘footpath to East Wood’ and ‘private road access only’and has a 5 bar gate (which will be open) at its entrance. Don’t take the road marked to Trevigue. Chough Cottage is the first on the left.

Note that some satnavs, dependent on settings take a bit of a weird route on the home stretch for the last 3 miles or so. In particular, turning left down to "Hill and Sweets" and also as you just enter Crackington Haven down a track to the left before an S-bend. Don't do either of these - just keep to the main road.