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Enlaces de viajes más cercanos

Aeropuerto Limoges / Poitiers
Estación de tren Limoges / Poitiers / Le Dorat
Coche Se recomienda coche

Actividades cercanas Bussiere-Poitevine

Deportes Deportes de agua, Paseo a caballo, Pesca
Ideal para Paseos o senderismo, Vacaciones rurales , Descanso en la playa/lago, Montar en bici


The town lies within an hour of both Limoges and Poitiers, so it is easy to get there by air or by rail. Drivers will find the town very close to the fast N147 road, along the D942. Access: By air: Fly to Limoges or Poitiers with budget airline Ryanair. By rail: If you prefer train travel, you can take the excellent TGV to Poitiers. By road: The town is found close to the N147 road, on the D942