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Enlaces de viajes más cercanos

Aeropuerto Bol (BWK)
Ferri Supetar 43 km
Estación de tren Split 43 km
Coche Se recomienda coche

Actividades cercanas Povlja

Deportes Tenis en la ciudad, Deportes de agua, Pesca
Ideal para Paseos o senderismo, Vacaciones rurales , Montar en bici


You can reach Povlja by car. The map of Povlja, instructions and driving directions, from your place to Povlja, you can find on link driving directions. For those who are not coming by the car, there is a bus line Supetar - Povlja, whose itinerary you can see on the site autotrans-brac. In the summer time the bus line is adjusted to the ferry line. Or, you can take taxi in Supetar to Povlja. The airport Brac - Bol (BWK) is situated 23 km from Povlja. You can take a taxi at the airport to get to your destination.For all information and reservations you should visit airport-Brac. Or you can come to airport Split and come to car ferry port in town of Split. You can also access town of Split by train Zagreb - Split, than you are to take ferry to Supetar and get taxi or bus to Povlja.