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Enlaces de viajes más cercanos

Aeropuerto Airport
Estación de tren Bodmin 15 km
Coche Se necesita coche

Actividades cercanas Port Isaac

Deportes Tenis en la ciudad, Deportes de agua, Paseo a caballo, Pesca
Ideal para Paseos o senderismo, Vacaciones rurales , Descanso en la playa/lago, Montar en bici


Our postcode: PL30 3LP.

Property address: Higher Hendra Farm Cottages

We have an entrance on the B3314 where there are trees meet and signage and also on the Port Gaverne road, first lane on the left beside the little coast footpath sign and opposite a wider entrance for ‘Middle Hendra’.

This is the way the satnav will bring you.

If you come in this way please follow the lane in past the 1st two cottages on your right and the cottage car park is on your right.

The cottages are along your left and clearly labelled.

Please park facing the hedge to allow other guests to park or if you wish to reverse so your boot is by the hedge are you are facing the field!