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Enlaces de viajes más cercanos

Aeropuerto Dubrovnik
Ferri Domince 6 km
Coche Se recomienda coche

Actividades cercanas Lumbarda

Deportes Pesca
Ideal para Descanso en la playa/lago



With an airplane:

Best way is to fly to Dubrovnik International Airport or Split International Airport (second best option). From there you can take ta catamaran that drives to Korcula town. From Korcula you need another 10 driving minutes (taxi or bus) to your apartment.

With a car:

There are 3 ways to reach Lumbarda: from any point in Europe, you pass Slovenia to reach the coastal town of Split (big ferry harbor) and then take a 2,5-hour Ferry drive to Vela Luka (a town in Korcula Island), from where there is a 45-minute drive to Lumbarda.

The second possibility is that you pass Split and reach a coastal town of Ploce and board a ferry for Trpanj (on Peljesac Peninsula), from where you need to drive 25 minutes to reach another harbour town, Orebic, where you board a car ferry to Korcula Island, only 5 kilometrs away from Lumbarda.

The third option is to go with the car the longer way (but with less ferry drive) to the town Mali Ston and then through the whole Peljesac peninsula (1 hour) and then the ferry to Orebic in Peljesac to the town of Korcula (a 15-minute ferry drive) from where you only need 5 km to Lumbarda.