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Enlaces de viajes más cercanos

Aeropuerto Dubrovnik - Airport
Ferri Gruz 3 km
Estación de tren Ploce 100 km
Coche No hace falta coche

Actividades cercanas Dubrovnik

Deportes Pesca
Ideal para Paseos o senderismo, Escapada a la ciudad


Travel direction From the Airport you can take a Taxi or Bus to the Old Town West gate (Pile) than walk-in East direction to the Bus stop-Cable Car local name Zicara. The second street from Cable car Bus stop in East direction you will see Obodska street. From Central Bus Station you should take local Bus No.8 and get off at the Bus station called (Zicara). 20 met. from Bus you to Station in East direction you will see Obodska street. The third house on your right side is Obodska 10. Buses number 5 and 8 take you to the rest of the Dubrovnik area.IF you travel with GPS our coordinates are 42º 38' 35.33' N; 18º 06' 44.88' E

From Port, you have to get Bus No.8 in front of Supermarket ” SRD” and get off on Cable Car Bus Stop(Local name Zicara).