
Presupuesto original en EUR Euro

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Para un máximo de 6 huéspedes

Período Desde Hasta Noche entre semana Noche en fin de semana Semanalmente Precio mensual Estancia mínima Día de cambio
Todas las fechas - - - - €2,921 - 1 semana Sábado

Por favor, ten en cuenta que estos precios no incluyen gastos de gestión, aunque sí impuestos si es necesario, y pueden variar según la fecha y la duración de la estancia. Los precios están sujetos a cualquier cambio que desee realizar el anunciante

Our prices and availability calendars are always up-to-date so please enquire if you're interested. Requests for 'best price' not welcome thanks.

Bed & bathroom linen: is included in the rental cost. 
Gas, electric & water: all included in the rental cost.
Winter heating: included in the rental cost.
End-of-stay cleaning: included in the rental cost. However please note that if taking pets the owner requests a supplement of 50 Euros, paid in cash upon arrival.
Taxe de Séjour: In France it's usually necessary to pay this (tourist tax) and it's calculated based on the number of people in your group and the time of year you stay. Under 18's are exempt. We will advise you of the tax due at the time you make your reservation and how it is to be paid.
Damage deposit: the owner requests that a damage deposit of 1000 Euros be made with Joie de Vivre, by way of a credit card and will be released within 7 days at the end of your stay, less the replacement cost of any breakages.